I've had that Camillus PSK since 1988 or so, bought it at the PX at Reese AFB when my uncle was in the army. It's been my go-to knife longer than most people on 4chan have been alive. It's also a little bit big for EDC, as are any of those four.
For EDC, get a quality folder or small neck knife. Moore Maker (a personal favorite), Buck, Case, Camillus, and Victorinox are brands I've used and trust and can recommend for giving a good knife at a reasonable price.
Spyderco and Kershaw get a lot of love here, but I've owned neither and can't recommend from personal experience.
Gerber is a brand to avoid, I've never seen a Gerber hold an edge and I have 4 of them. New production Schrade stuff (like the Old Timer in my pic) can be hit or miss.