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When ever lumber is even whispered on this board uneducated retards come out of the wood work acting like the fucking Lorax. Yes the lumber industry needs some more regulations, but wood is like the best material for the environment. you can either
>have a few young growth forests that are cyclically harvested for a compleatly renewable resource that's completely renewable and has thousands of uses.
>dig massive quarry's full of arsenic for concrete and steel, and drill for oil to make cheap Chinese plastic shit that will pollute the environment worse than cutting down a few trees.
you cant have your cake and eat it if your anti-wood go live in your concrete cubical and eat bugs.
>have a few young growth forests that are cyclically harvested for a compleatly renewable resource that's completely renewable and has thousands of uses.
>dig massive quarry's full of arsenic for concrete and steel, and drill for oil to make cheap Chinese plastic shit that will pollute the environment worse than cutting down a few trees.
you cant have your cake and eat it if your anti-wood go live in your concrete cubical and eat bugs.