>>281685This this this this this this this
>Live near the AT I've never done the whole thing, but I've done portions longer than 98% of the people out there i'm willing to bet. Yet no matter what, if I go out on a nice day for a few hours of relaxation, i'll see some geared up dick weasel come storming down the trail (or the inverse, bright colored clothing city people with 500 dollar moisture whisking t-shirts and athletic fanny packs or some shit.) You give them a wave, say hello, ask how their days going. What do you get in return?
>Pompous look of superiority >Disregard peasant, better things to do Drives me goddamn nuts.
And the savetheplanet guys/girls.......
>omfg look at those people off the trail >"hey! quit stomping all those plants!" >"they build trails for a reason!" Bitch, i'm stomping dead leaves, not a field of endangered wild flowers. If you want to complain, verbally assault your douchebag friend there that just cut the switchback and is slowly making the trail an ambiguous mudbog around every corner.
Seriously, what the fuck is with people who think that because something looks pretty you can't go there? That's the whole fucking point.