>>2798597> handsI wear midseason leather gloves — because I'm an idiot and because they look better than any winter gloves.
Under them I wear Revit Infinium undergloves — they add some bulk, but not that much to bother me. Even when the leather already got cold, my hands aren't that affected by the windchill + if the gloves waterproofing will betray me this Infinium material should save me.
Under the undergloves I wear thin merino glove liners — almost no impact on overall thickness, but add a tiny bit of extra warmth + I'm not worried if my hands are dirty/greasy as liners are super easy to wash and dry.
This combo works at around 2C (didn't ride below freezing) for about half an hour with no hand guards/heated grips — for longer rides I occasionally touch the engine. If I ditched the leather gloves and bought proper winter gloves I believe this layering would work even at -10C.
> feetI wish I knew anything better than thick alpaca wool socks. No idea.
Rain overpants that are long enough to cover my ankles reduce the winchill.