>>2800054OP here. So i had a game warden remove the hawk, but that transpired into a slew of negative events. It was an adult hawk, idk what sex but it had a mating partner and it was lividly pissed. Like, seething fucking mad i removed its partner and i could tell. This hawks partner came in and tore into one of my silkies, and was keeping it alive as it ate its entrails. I came outside and bore witness to horrors beyond comprehension: the silkie was still alive with half its guts hanging out and another silkie was hiding, also bearing witness to the events that transpired.
I cradled the silkie in my arms, and knowing it was suffering, i snapped its neck. I took the carcass inside and made butchered it, making authentic asian cuisine since silkie meat is a delicasy. I hadnt smoked pot in like, 3 months. I smoked so much weed after cooking my silkie miso soup i barely remember anything, which is probably a good thing. It was a terrible chain of events and im glad i smoked so much i gave myself amnesia