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Should I go through with my plan?

No.2805055 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
>want to move to Oregon from Nebraska and buy land for $4500
>have $12k from an accident that totaled my car
>plan to work in the nearby town, find something remote or even go a larger city that's not too far away to work and camp
>might get over $10k for a neck injury
>want to use it on a well so I don't have to haul water but could buy a prefab tuffshed
>or could build a house out of cob adobe and pallets, starting with pallet sheds
>don't know whether to buy a truck or an SUV
>going to have to keep my stuff in storage until I can get it all moved out here
>would prefer to take it all at once, maybe with a truck and a trailer but definitely with a Uhaul
>Uhaul sounds sketch as I would not have a vehicle when I get there but could still maybe buy one with the $7500
>also have a dogberg to look after
Don't know what to do, all my stuff is being packed up right now and I'm just trying to figure out how to get there