They polled the current scouts, leaders, and parents (actual people in the program) a few years ago about whether or not they'd like to see it become co-ed. It was massively rejected, but the board of directors announced a 'trial' run of girl troops, and within a year had fully integrated girls. They insisted it was to increase the quality of the program and bring in money, since they presumed boys who are already in have sisters and so the enrollment would double (making the group appealing to outsiders as opposed to actual involved members). Really all the boys lost the awesome boy club they once had and left. Nationwide there are about 1/3 the number of scouts right now (including the girls) as there was 10 years ago.
They also continue to double down, now there is a DEI merit badge that is required for rank advancement, and in my home state the local council is trying to sell our 75+ year old scout camp for money to keep their grift going a few more years, since the number of actual kids number in the hundreds statewide.
It is a shame really, I am an eagle scout, so is my dad, and so is my grandfather, but I'll just go camping and hiking with my kids because women had to force the destruction of men's clubs. I highly doubt if the Boy Scouts, or whatever they are calling themselves, as an organization even continues to exist by the time they'd be old enough anyway.