>>2807260>Does it really matter what kind of snowshoes I buy?In steep, snowy terrain (think ADK, VT, NH and ME most winters), you should have proper mountaineering snowshoes with heel lifts and crampon front points. I use the MSR Lightning Ascents that retail between $300-400 USD for a new pair.
>Are they even needed for the North East US?It depends on what part of the northeast. In regions that get a fuckton of snow (for NY, that would be the Adirondacks, Tug Hill Plateau, and Chautauqua Ridge) you absolutely need snowshoes or skis if you want to avoid postholing in knee or waist high snow most winters. The mountainous parts of VT-NH-ME would be similar. In other parts of the northeast like Philly and Jersey, you're much less likely to need them.
I'll pack snowshoes when the the area I'm planning to hike is shaded dark-blue or purple here:
https://www.fs.usda.gov/Internet/FSE_DOCUMENTS/fseprd1045012.html. Dark blue is 9.8 - 20" and purple is 20+ inches.
>>2809715 said, there's a big difference between hiking on packed-down trails and breaking trail or going off-trail in deep snow. Snowshoeing off-trail will give you a serious workout that will whip you into shape and make fair-weather hiking seem tame in comparison.