>>2807760I'm only familiar with the ones in New York and Pennsylvania. Hiking is allowed in NY's Wildlife Management Areas and Pennsylvania's State Game Lands. Camping isn't allowed in NY's WMAs. In PA's State Game Lands, you can only camp within a few hundred feet of the AT. It's prohibited everywhere else.
In NY, there are overnight shelters on a few WMA boundaries where I've legally camped in the past. These were along long-distance trails.
For hiking and exploration, there are some real hidden gems in the WMAs and SGLs that most people don't know about. Waterfalls, ravines and gullies, caves, ruins, massive boulders, large ponds, and some open viewpoints including Lake Erie from SGL 314.
>>2807766 said, maintenance isn't going to be great in most WMAs and SGLs. Expect overgrown trails in the warmer months and unplowed lots/pulloffs in the wintertime. The upside is that most of these wildlife areas are practically empty outside of the spring and fall hunting seasons.