>>295735>I was being a reactionary bitchAlright, sorry. I was, too.
I just can't wait until I'll have a twelve year-old son to take hiking up these trails, the way my dad once took me. And I'm concerned that they're not gonna be there, any more, within my lifetime.
There's a lot of talk on /out/ about guns as being justified on hiking trips because of things like black bears. I posted that pick of the pass.
See how there's six lakes (one is kind hard to see, but there are 4 on the top row)? Follow that top-left lake on the diagonal to the one on the bottom right. I was camping there, when I was 12, and I remember waking up at 3am when three bears were trying to get into our packs. My dad charged outa the tent, grabbed a stick, and started yelling as he ran at them. They all just ran off into the woods, of course, because black bears don't want a fight with you. You get to the top of the pass and there are marmots trying to sneak up on every side, and steal your trail mix.
The valleys and passes are granite and super-narrow. A gunshot would be heard by everyone on the same trail as you, from pass to pass. And it'd be heard by every critter that lived there, too, and all those animals would shit themselves and dive for cover. And if your dogs are anything like the golden retriever I had when young? They'd be chasing right beside her, hunting each one down and trying to dig them outa a crack between boulders.
That's no reason for me to be a reactionary bitch about it, either. I wish we could leave the partisan, political shit behind when we go /out/. Stupid polarization.