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No.294068 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
So lets talking about hunting rifles. I'm posting this here because its strictly relegated to rifles for the purpose of hunting and sustenance and because /k/ is full of 14 year old airsoft fags.

Now I've never gone hunting. I've been meaning to for a while but its always gotten pushed aside by something else. I'm gonna start with squirrels and turkey which are the easiest and most plentiful in my area. I got a beater .22 that'll work fine for that and I'm getting a 12 gauge.

I wanted to hear from other hunters though. Whats your preferred game? Preferred hunting implement for that purpose? what type of hunting IE stand, blind,stalking,ect.? What aspects do you like in a hunting implement? Any good stories? tips for someone who's family hasn't hunted since my parents were kids?

Last part:
I'll admit I'm a gun nut, but I've been thinking for a while about my perfect hunting rifle and I've come to what many would call an odd conclusion: A falling block carbine in .44 magnum. Why? This is prime levergun territory. Don't get much bigger than Deer and Black Bear around here, which .44 mag is plenty for especially in a rifle-length barrel with max loads. an 18 inch barrel means a 7.5ish lb gun thats easily maneuverable around the thick brush here as well as light enough to haul. Aperature rears are as good as scope and weight a fraction as much. So I have a small, light kicking, accurate, and powerful gun. seems perfect to me. Am I leaving anything out here?