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No.297296 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Dear /out/

I'm pretty much a 27 year old NEET born and raised in lower-middle class Southern Ontario.
I've had a bunch of shitty jobs, but I never stick with them, I went to college for a year, but quit after deciding going 50k into debt for the opportunity to sit in an office all day every day wasn't the best idea for me. Right now I'm back in with my mom, wondering what the hell to do with my life.

After wondering why I seem totally resistant to being able to commit to anything career-wise, I've come to the conclusion I just can't motivate myself to contribute to a society who's goals and general driving philosophy I fundamentally disagree with.

It's looking like I don't have much of a future living this kind of life, and I need to instead learn the ways of /out/. I am no stranger to nature, but I have no actual survival skills when it comes to sustaining basic needs in the wilderness. I think if I got that under my belt, I could safely and comfortably vagrant until I find a better place.

Where do I start? Any advice? From what books to read... personal experiences.. whatever?