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Isle Royale Thread

No.303150 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Isle Royale master race checking in. If you've hiked it, canoed it, or kayaked that bitch get in here!

I spent 8 magical days /out/ there in May 2013, and hiked about 65 miles. Hung in my warbonnet blackbird hammock every night. Saw 6 moose... No wolves unfortunately.

> Day 1... Rock Harbor to Lane Cove - 7 miles
> Day 2... Lane Cove to West Chickenbone - 13 miles
> Day 3... W. C-bone to Hatchet Lake - 8 miles
> Day 4... Hatchet to Lake Desor - 8 miles
> Day 5... Desor to Washington Creek (Windigo) - 10 miles
> Day 6... Voyager II water taxi from Windigo to McCargo Cove then a hike to Lake Richie - 6 miles
> Day 7... Lake Richie to Three Mile - 10 miles
> Day 8... Three Mile to Rock Harbor - 3 miles

Planning my next trip for fall 2014.

Pic related, I took it when that m'er f'er was about 20 feet off the trail.