>>309888Can I do my previous region? I moved away after thirty years, and haven't had enough here for favorites, yet.
>MarmotSo cute. I just wanna run up and hug them all. It means I'm hiking.
>CormorantsThey are bros. They walk up and beg.
>Horny ToadWeird lookin', but fun to find, and peaceful when you catch them and pet them. It also helps that they're really easy to catch, once you find them.
>EucalyptusEx-girlfriend reasons. Folk singer who wrote me a song about them.
>Indian paint brushThey're always my mothers' favorites to see, so that somehow made them my favorites.
>Wild onionThey grow out here and I used to grab them up and chew on them. No particular reason that they're my favorites, except that I saw them so much. It always impressed me how clean and plastic-looking they are, when you pull them out of the dirt.
Cormorant related.