>>316426>>316432lol you people fail so hard at this shit.
The only thing that would be better would be having the wheel more under the weight. A tri-wheel is fucking shit for hiking. You need a larger wheel not 3 little wheels. Those tri-wheels are specifically for stairs, nothing else.
There are many designs of hiking trolleys. Several have a backpack like harness it rests on and a waist harness in other designs, plus handles, so you can use either and help steady it without having 100% of the weight on your arms.
>>317165Sometimes you hike for other purposes than living out of a pack the size of a 35mm film canister.
>>317174You can make one for as little as $200 good parts and $50 using secondhand salvaged parts. And most of the cost of the salvaged one is in a pack of good welding sticks if you make it form tubing. Though, some hardwood broom handles or tree limbs and a small bicycle tire would work just as well. An easy day's DIY project.
Any fool paying $1,100 is well a fool. lol
>>317341>muh ramboknife is all i needz!Please.
>>317394That's not how it works.
>>317521>>317538Jesus fuck have you EVER used a wheel barrow or carried a couch with a second person? It's a LOT less weight when you are holding only 1 end of something and happen to be on the higher end.
>>318122They work really well. However, if you end up climbing instead of hiking then you're using the wrong tool or taking the wrong path. DON'T get the push kind. Pull-alongs are far better for bumps and logs than any push along. For the same reason you pull a wheelbarrow across a bump, not push it.
>>318126Pretty much, with an added wheel to make it even easier to move along.