>>318835OP here to answer my own questions
>pics from last seasonDidn't actually bag anything with a bow last season. Had a few near misses on cottontails and squirrels, and passed on a shot on a yearling doe.
>plans for next seasonRabbit, deer, turkey as possible quarries... going to work on blinds, observing game trails, and improving bedding and resource surpluses in the area. On one particular property I see great room for bedding improvements... it's got a patch of forest along a creekbed that serves as an "island" of trees in the middle of farm fields.
>bow talkI have a 40# Samick Sage and a 55# hickory American flatbow. I'm working on making wooden arrows for the flatbow.
>arrow talkI just shoot aluminum shafts and screw-on broadheads in my recurve. I have some Judo points and blunt-points for small game.
I'm working on some steel "trade points" and making arrows for the longbow. I really want a longbow kill with handmade arrows this season. It's a nice weapon that never gets its fair share of field time.
>quarry talkBowhunting is really going to require me to brush up on my whitetail skills. Cottontails are easy enough to sneak up on, I expect to have many back in the freezer by the close of next season.
I am going to build a brush-blind for this next season near a path and water source. And a tree stand at the smaller property I get to hunt.
>camo/stalking talkFor years, I've done spot-stalk hunting with my rifle. I primarily hunt South Texas brush where the only navigable path is long, straight, and devoid of cover.
I haven't yet resorted to smearing myself with mud but I do like to wear camo (durable pants and a synthetic shirt), which I wash with baking soda instead of laundry detergent. I also avoid deodorant the day (or two) before a hunt, and simply shower/wash in plain water. I also don't wear my camo in camp where it might absorb food, smoke, or automotive smells.