>>320316I suggest you read up extensively on UK knife legislation- I have. That is a slipjoint
knife is perfectly legal to carry anywhere barring a school under section 139 of the
UK Criminal Justice act 1988. I don't need a reason to carry it, I can just because I want to.
...and as for 'offensive weapon' that is down to intent of purpose, if you describe a
banana, or allow it to be describes as a weapon, and your intent to use it- you
can be arrested. Section 141 of the Criminal justice act details offensive weapons thus
knuckledusters, handclaws and push daggers
footclaws - ie spikes designed to be strapped to the foot
flick or gravity knives - ie with blades that are spring-loaded or can be opened using gravity or a flick of the wrist
weapons with a concealed or disguised blade or sharp point - eg swordsticks, stealth knives, butterfly knives and belt buckle blades
martial arts weapons such as death stars, hollow kubotans and kusaris
batons and telescopic truncheons
blowpipes or blowguns, except for use by vets or registered animal handlers
curved blade swords with a blade over 50 centimeters.
These are all items with a primary function is to cause harm or injury. You'll notice firearms are
not listed as their primary function is not to cause harm to other humans
It pisses me off no end whwn you get some Daily Mail reading
'' oh will somebody please think of the children '' type spouting off about stuff they
know nothing about.
A knife is primarily a tool, one of the oldest ones mankind has. The more peoplethat wake up and realise that the better