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Catfish and Suckers

No.322141 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Hello /out/!
Greetings out of the way, good. I'm doing well for my first 4chan post ever.

Alright I'll cut right to the chase. I'm having some fishing issues. I live near the Wolf River, in Wisconsin.

Right now i'm using a regular ol hook, big sinker, and three way swivel rig and i've been attempting for several days now to just hook into and catch one sucker/river redhorse. I'm struggling feebly. Never before have I ever had trouble landing one of these fish. They're junk fish, and really common. But apparently they just don't like the way i'm presenting the bait or something. Or maybe they're gone.

This is part one of where I turn to you all. I would appreciate any advice on catching redhorse/suckers when they're in scarce supply.

But that isn't all, no indeed. For those of you whom have read the Subject you should know that this isn't just about suckers. This is about catfish too.

You see, my main goal in catching a sucker is to try out a new kind (for me at least) of bait. Cut Bait (made from sucker) with sucker guts blended up and placed on it. I wish to catch channel cats, and maybe a Flathead for purposes widely known as, 'Eating Food'.

Seeing as I'm struggling with suckers, are there any catfish baits out there that would be recommended for Wisconsin Channel Cats? I heard a strange rumor that nightcrawlers and garlic works well. Any feedback would be greatly appreciated.