>>326774>Failing that, I fail to see where you derive your apparent superiority complex from.Because we won and people like you lost.
>they have two options: 1) move, or 2) ask the football players to go elsewhere.The regulation being referred to applies on over-crowded beaches where you can't move, and only if they refuse to go elsewhere. That's the whole point. They don't just have to refuse when you ask them to stop. They have to then refuse when they bring a cop over to ask you to stop. Only then can they get a ticket.
Your aren't dumb because of the manner in which you use words. You're dumb because you pretend that there are simple answers to complex questions. You build false dichotomies because you lack critical thinking skills, and the ability to comprehend complex topic. So you reduce them to something simple, like "law bad, free good!" when, even by your own admission, upon examining the complexity and details of a situation, the measures are appropriate.
That is why I call you dumb. And I'm right.