>>330338>Need a package opened?Yeah! Use my scissors!
>Dropped a screw?My scissors have a magnet on em! Cool!
>Need a wrench?Use my scissors!
>Can opener?Of course!
>Bottle opener?What pair of scissors wouldn't have a God damned bottle-opener?
>Need a fish scaled?Look no further, faggot.
>But does it have a nut cracker?You better fucking believe it.
>Tryna hot wire yo whip?Nigga's packin' wire strippers, call em "wire escorts"
>Tf yo ass finna do if u cant cut em doe?My scissors got wire cutters, mufuggah. Check dis shiit.
>Lost your screwdriver?Here man, try to screw it in with the screwdriver on an angle at the very tip of my fucking scissors
>Need a jar wrench?What the fuck is a jar wrench?
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