I'll tell of my foray last night with my friend to a decommissioned cold war era missile base.
>missile base is 6 miles north of town I'm going to college in
>convince roommate to check this shit out with me last night
>tall fence with barbed wire at the top
>we use sham wows I had in my car to put on top of the barbed wire, climb over by going up a tree growing right on the fence
>successfully infiltrated launch site
>there is the old control building and then the actual launch area
>check out control building
>looks like my university used it in the 70's/80's to store archaeological/geological/biological shit
>this room is just littered with things like fossilized teeth, animal skulls, rock samples, etc.
>also found a fusebox with fuses dated 1954, we took a fuse
>found out it's worth $35 on ebay, these things are just lying around the building
>go to the launch site
>three elevators that were used to lift the missiles above ground to shoot at the ruskis
>these are the only way underground as the entryways are welded shut
>they're flooded, water must be at least 5 feet deep
>didn't go down because there's no real way out(or down for that matter), must've been at least 30 feet underground, maybe more
>decide that there's nothing more we can really do without going down in the elevator shaft
>climb back over fence
>mission complete
The fuse was pretty cool. My roommate grabbed one of the bags with animals bones and shit in it as a souvenir. It looks like my university hasn't been to this site in 30 years. Overall it was a good trip and my first real urban exploration adventure. It was pretty fun and I'd love to do it again.