>>345841>>346166alrighty OP you've gotten plenty of advice but i'm compelled to throw-in my 2¢
if that was on me, where a tick had been, within that perfect 1-3wk time period, i would go straight to a doc. yes, lyme is slow but once symptoms begin to onset you never fully recover.
my sister and one of my friends had lyme - my friend's was behind the knee like that and looked EXACTLY like that within about 2 weeks. i live in the same area as them and get ticks on me all the time so i've read everything about the disease that i can find, including looking at pics, and gald damn it it's not lyme it's WAY too much of coincidence to be comfortable.
you can still travel if you have lyme, you just want to get on antibiotics asap.
also, and maybe even more importantly, if the doctor SEES the rash you're set. if you wait for the rash to go away they're very unlikely to be convinced that you have lyme, and that'll make getting treatement a massive pain in the dick.
please read about my sister's experience here: