>>346495i just started wearing a external pack. and its a difference like day and night for me. most of the time when i go hiking with familie or friends i carry the major parts of the group equipment.
Last time i hat 19 kg load for 2 days 6-7 hours a day in rough but not too steep terrain. Some river crossings, swamps and under grows.
And i used the pic related "tatonka lastenkraxe" after the hikes my should are perfect i dont feel anything. just a bit on the hips where most of the load was.
what i like on the external frame:
+ very good heavy load carring
+ with a dry bag its amazing in bad weather
+ carry bulky stuff (on day camping stuff, other day the raft to the beach)
+ lifetime product
= Ventilation not good but also not bad
= unfelxible
= no small packs
= hard to damage hard to repair
- bit heavyer then internal
- outdoor company can't sell you a new pack every 2 years :3