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No.352069 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Okay sc/out/s I looked through the catalog and didn't find one. So how about a spoopy things that have happened to you while camping. I had a pretty fucking weird night last night and I just gotta tell someone.

>Be me on an impulsive friday where i decide to go in local state forest and set up camp. It's actually illegal to camp there but I actually clean up after shitheads who leave their trash and bring it out with me. So they turn a blind eye after I got caught once.
>I have my usual spots but decide to go for a deep inawoods hike, the state forest is about a little over 1,000 acres so I walk for about a good 3 hours at a decent pace.
>Getting an hour before dark decide I have to set up camp now. A couple bros couldnt make it out there with me tonight so its just me.
>Been solo camping before but havent solo camped out in this part yet.
>Make a small fire and just heat up some ramen in my snowpeak mug. Added jalepenos. Delish
>Loving life, the stars are awesome and thinking about - wtfwasthat.jpg hear a weird fucking noise.
>Sounds like a fox screaming in the night (that shit is freaky if you havent heard it) but would end on a really deep tone.
>Turn on my headlamp for a second and browse site. Grab axe and creep slow.
>Silent as fuck, go sit back down
>Tried to brush it off but that was just too damn weird.
>Was gunna smoke a bowl but figured Id freak my shit too much, so I decided not to.
>Make fire a little bigger now to get a little more light around my camp.
>30 minutes later hear sound again and it sounds MUCH closer.
>Fucking creeped out and my gut is telling me to take off but im hours away from where I was.
>Decide I have to stay put and put out fire and get in tent.
