>>358588There's so much absolute shite in your collection.
Anything from gerber.
Any of the karambits (I think they're fucking retarded).
Balisons are a stupid gimmick and you have... Are those bottle-opener balisongs? They seem like the sort of thing that would be cool at a party one time and then after that everybody's like "He's torn up his knuckles by trying to be cool with that flicky bottle opener again".
Are those knives with handles wrapped in electrical tape up the top right? .. Why?
Why do you have so many kunai? You know that traditionally they're gardening tools poorly balanced for use as throwing knives, right?
I have no idea if those two non-fiskars axes are any good but they look stupid.
Machetes wrapped with what appears to be the same electrical tape. Again, just... Why?
A couple knives here and there look like Helikon, but I'm not sure. If they are Helikon then I know from experience they're complete bollocks.
Those key knives in the bottom right look like a stupid gimmick.
What's the total price of your collection? I bet it's worth every penny (and not a penny more).
That's not to say I think every single last knife there is shit (mostly because I don't recognise them all).