[21 / 6 / ?]
Hey guys, I'm a fellow /out/doorsman living in the KY, and my father passed me a question the other day. "Where did all the fucking Crawdad's go?" If you don't know what a Crawdad is, pic related. Has other names, Crayfish for one. My father says in local ditches, lakes, and wherever there used to be crayfish everywhere. And now, I haven't seen one in years. In fact, the last time I did, was a year ago during a huge storm when one was washed up from underground. So where'd they go? I remember picking them up as a kid, going to Otter Creek and finding them everywhere. But a few months ago I went to Otter Creek, and they weren't there. What gives? I ask /out/ to mention their last time seeing Crayfish, and if any fellows live near my area, the 502. If they think this is a problem.
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>>361312 probobly pollution
although i still see them all the time in iowa. corrrect me if im wrong but i think they live in the holes in the mudd on the banks of rivers and streams.
i live in Massachusetts and although they're still seen from time to time, the rivers I used to catch them in 20 years ago are completely devoid of them now. poor little buggas.
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>>361312 Pollution, they're pretty sensitive to it.
>KY Just remember to keep electing representatives that don't believe in the harms of pollution or the regulation of polluting industries and think gutting environmental regulatory agencies are a good idea. Things will surely work out.
>>361312 Asians eat them or I don't know.
>>361321 You're not looking hard enough. I can catch tons of them even in fucking Fitchburg.
For non-massholes here is a picture of what the major river used to look like in Fitchburg during the 1960's. It's since been cleaned up to the point that indicator insect species have returned to the watershed.
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>>361335 Lovely industry. I'm sure the locals loved their "economic stimulus" when this was up and running.
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>>361335 well idunno, they aren't where they used to be anyway. we used to just turn rocks over in the streams, brooks, creeks and crooks around town and they'd scamper around. not so easy nowadays
>>361312 God is angry with the abortionists, so He depleted your waters of their bounty.
That or ecosystems are fragile and being obliterated by the regulation-light coal mining and mountain-top removal policies that are destroying your state because freedumz!
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>>361347 Mostly the first part though
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>>361312 I was out fishing with my brother and we had a crayfish try to steal an entire herring from the river bank.
Heard him loudly say "what the fuck" and stick his hand in the water.. Ran over to see what happened and he was playing tug of war with a fucking crayfish.. This is why I go outdoor
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i never knew mudbugs lived in the mountains. we got them all over in texas and lousiana
identity politics dont matter
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see em all the tine outside my cabin in spencer west virginia
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>>361312 >>361324 >>361325 hell yeah we eat the fuck out of those things no wonder they gone. that shit cray.
Maybe your area got over picked. Kids love these things, I remember at camp RbarC in Arizona I used to get shitloads of these fuckers in christopher creek when I was in scouts. I can imagine when multiple groups of people are taking tens of these things out at a time it could wreck havoc on the population.
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>>361482 crayfish are supposedly prolific. Their major limiter is predatory fish (most game fish).
>>361482 Sup AZ bro.
Camp Director here.
at r-c. unless things have changed in the last month, the crawdads were a harmful invasive species, killing off the fish in the area.
They also reproduce like crazy.
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>>361312 Canadian checking in. we're infested with them up here, im pretty sure most are considered invasive
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>>361482 As someone who works at Camp Geronimo (if you've been there I'd love to swap stories, it's very close to R-C) I'd like to point out that Crawdads are actually an invasive species to the Mogollon Rim area; they are incredibly destructive to the riparian ecosystem and it is infact illegal to release them back into the water if they are taken out. So catch as many as you want cause they're a fuckin pest.
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>>361489 >Camp Director The fact that the director of R-C browses 4chan amuses me so much. Next thing you know I'll find Ty Page posting selfies on /soc/