Here's mine. I've used it on over 100 nights of camping, comfortably.
>>369008I own a tempur-pedic and a Toyota Tacoma, however I'd never bring them camping with me.
I'm perfectly comfortable in my tent, and, when the weather is dry (or not too miserable), without a tent. I like to have the most face to face experience with the natural environment.
I understand that you have your own preference, but your method reminds me too much of trailer camping. I have camped in a trailer, cabin, tent, hand built shelter, sail boat, sleeping bag on the ground, and car. I like to bring only the equipment I need.
However, I don't go camping for the comfort, I go for the experience.
For example, as an Eagle Scout, I was willing to sleep with light weight gear to hike Philmont. But that example isn't the best to compare with you, because you couldn't drive your compact truck on Philmont.