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Suggestion For /out/ General Threads

No.375734 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
>these questions get asked a lot, there should be a sticky with all of /out/'s recommended footwear somewhere

Nobody looks at stickies...

May I suggest instead, that /out/ adopt the practice of (nicely) directing questions for _few_ specific and commonly discussed topics, to continually running "general threads"?;

/out/ Knife & Axe General
/out/ Tent & Hammock General
/out/ Stoves General
/out/ Sleeping Bag General
/out/ Boots General

When the thread reaches it's image limit, a new one is started and as these are the most commonly discussed subjects on /out/, they'll regularly get bumped and will be easily found by newbies, cutting down the number of multiple threads on more or less the same subjects.