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No.377553 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
ITT: Favourite camping experiences.
>Me, 3 months ago
>Bring my 8 year old nephew down from Cardiff
>tent, fishing gear, torch, innawoods kit
>Nephew pumped
>I'm pumped
>fast forward 4 hours
>found spot, start fishing.
>catch 2 small brown trout
>Trout stake
>Fast forward a few hours, go into tent
>Fires out. Eaten fucking delicious wild trout
>Showing theo how to use a knife safely
>Pull out a surprise
>Portable dvd player I bought
>Nephewbro closes it
>Says "Anon, we're camping, no DVD's"

He's going far.
What about you sc/out/s
Pic incredibly unrelated.