Not Recommended:
There is a dice game called 'Bears' but the fun factor doesn't last too long: dice with bears, shotguns, and people... if x is greater than y humans survive, or bears win.. and blah, blah, blah.. its a simple dice rolling game. a racket when you walk around with it.
dont fall for this POS game.. its sold in allot of camping stores with very cool looking graphics on the box.
Utterly useless game unless you are under 10
and need a distraction from all the buttrape from your camp counselor.
Recommended games:
The card game UNO, or just a deck of cards ( since you can play many other games, and Crazy 8's is essentially UNO anyway.)
I bought this hippie freesbie made of cloth that folds up really easy.
Halloween mask is always a treat at night.