>>389918>I just can't for the life of me think of a way cultural marxism could ruin campingMaybe not ruin and maybe not a direct result of cultural Marxism, but Leftists are definitely making progress toward completely outlawing fun in the outdoors. That includes making campfires; camping for free; camping in certain areas, period; entering certain areas, period; discharging firearms; regulating how you defecate; what kinds of foods you're allowed to give to your horses; what and when you are allowed to hunt and fish; and many other things.
In a local park where I grew up as a kid, it used to be the thing to do to jump off a 40-50' cliff into a ~15-20' deep pool. If you dived off, then you'd be a retard, and probably die - and I guess some retards did dive and did die, and that's why there are now fences at the top of the cliff saying "ILLEGAL TO GO BEYOND THIS POINT" - but standard jumping and landing in the water with your feet down was never unsafe. But now the Liberals have outlawed fun, and they get away with it because they have the force of law on their side.
Also, what happened last year when they got cock-blocked by Republicans in Congress? Obama threw a fit and closed down all the national parks, including rest stops overlooking Mount Rushmore. These people will stop at nothing to ruin a good thing.
In states across the country, local authorities are setting up fee-extracting systems for even using the roads to get to outdoor destinations. California has already set up a permit-use system for many of their Wilderness Areas. Liberals are leading the way, thinking that this money is at all needed, when all they do with it is make the parking lots at trailheads even bigger, and waste all the extra space with handicapped parking spaces.
Enjoy the outdoors while you can. Pretty soon, all forms of fun will be illegal.