mentioned I bought one of these in the penny pinching thread about a week ago. Well it arrived yesterday and I've found it to be quite good from my initial inspection.
What the photos don't show that well is that it's default state it's rotated 90 degrees and the rain cover (the thing that you see rolled up at the top which is secured with vecro) is zipped up to contain the backpack straps. The backpack straps are what you'd expect, firm padding with some mesh padding on the body of the bag. Some hard plastic d rings on the straps so you can attach stuff near your chest/shoulders and a wide waist belt with a typical plastic buckle.
Normally it looks like a thinner and taller duffle bag with a short carry handle and a sling. So you can carry it around like that if you're so inclined or if you want to look more casual carrying it as an EDC bag.
The interior is very basic. Large compartment with a soft divider you can velcro up like in a laptop bag though I'll probably use it for a tarp or blanket.
Nice roomy front pocket and a side pocket for a water bottle or for more easily strapping something to the side of the bag.
5x2 velcro patch that shows the brand "God of War" which is a bit silly but fine for a Korean made thing that uses copyright infringing screenshots from Saving Private Ryan and Call of Duty Black Ops as promotional artwork. Will probably replace this with a standard name tag patch.
I haven't gotten the chance to go /out/ with it yet but I checked all the seems and stitching and it seems quite durable. I don't have any expensive bags to compare it to but I'd be totally confident
I got mine in OD Green and I'd be perfectly find carrying it around as an EDC bag in that color. It's very basic looking and the only partial molle webbing and fewer compartments cuts down on a lot of the "tacticool" factor. It's a bit large to use as a messenger bag but as a backpack or duffle it's fantastic.