Agreed. Oregon is full. But, the "no blizzards, no hot summers, no mosquitos" thing? Oregon. That's the place on earth. And before you say "hurrr there's mosquitoes in oregon!", they're very, very, very mild and nothing like the midwest or east of the country. I've tried both, and Oregon is pretty much no bug zone compared to the rest of the country. It's weird how used to it you get and don't even notice that we literally have almost zero bugs until you go somewhere else.
But, we literally have everything, and progressives are slowly fucking it up, but it's still the best. So many different types of terrain and /out/ type locations in the state. Rain forest, high desert, plains, there's a ton of access to lakes, mountains, rivers, the ocean, rafting, hiking, camping, just everything. Quite literally, everything. In fact, the only thing we don't have is warm ocean water. That's it. I drove from oregon to michigan, down to new orleans, and back up through the southwest, and there are some amazing states in there, but oregon is the best.
Oh, and washington is nice too, just with less diversity in terrain, and washingtonians are fucktards. Keep in mind I'm an oregon native and I'm legally required to dislike washingtonians and hate californians.
Seriously though, being as objective as possible, oregon is the best for /out/. The whole west coast, really.