Look mate, you want to go down there anyway and live (I can understand, being a sucker for this shit, pic related) You MUST take the above posts seriously.
Buy a multigas detector capeable of reading at least CO, H2S, and O2 levels. Learn how to use it effectivly to guage breathable atmosphere. Expect to drop at least $500 on it. It is worth your life. You can't smell these gases (except H2S), their concentrations, or the lack of O2. You will just get suddenly faint, fall down, and die without knowing what happened if the atmo is not good.
Chin strap helmet.
Fluorescent spray paint for marking your way back as you go. Mark it well, mark it often. You get disoriented and muddled from injury, O2 depletion or gas poisoning, you will be grateful.
Sealed, waterproof, rugged long life torch (flash-light) with spare batteries.
Rope, fasteners, always, always, secure yourself before doing something remotely dangerous. Shafts are deep, you fall, even if you don't hurt yourself, there may be no breathable atmo at the bottom.
Test, and never trust any structure or rock formation to bear your weight. Rot and rust will have set in. Rocks have suffered fracturing from the act of mining through them.
Do NOT do this alone. Find a buddy with few family liabilities who has brains, bravery and brawn. Preferably someone who has experience with this sort of thing. Or equipe and school a dependable fool; risky.
Tell someone reliable where you are going. When you will be back, or out of the mine to give call. If you get fucked down there, it is your only chance at a rescue.
There is no way to do this safely. But you can reduce the risks. Lurk more here, others will no doubt give more info.