I weigh 172lbs and I'm 6'1". I've been both vegan and vegetarian and I've done many hiking and camping trips that other people call "survival trips" which they aren't even in the slightest notion. I'm currently omnivore. Let me break down a few things about wild foods in Temperature Zone 5 East USA where I live and imagine what you'd need in Alaska.
You need around 0.35 grams of protein per pound of body weight (0.8 grams per kilogram). With my weight, I'd need to eat 61.92 grams (0.13lbs/0.05kg) of protein each day to maintain health.
In order to eat enough non-animal products to get that much protein a day, you could be eating quite a lot. It really depends on what you have available. For instance there are 100s of types of wild nuts, tubers, and seeds out there that are packed with protein (less so for tubers), but not available everywhere nor in every season.
Let's break it down a bit,
61.92 grams required for me.
Amounts of vegetables that would contain a total of 61.92 grams of protein in them if you only ate that 1 item. All items are raw and undried when I can find info for undried (most nuts normally need to be dried to be removed from the shell easily),
Butternut: 0.54
Black Walnuts: 0.56lbs
Grass Seeds/greens: 0.91lbs-1.5lbs/2.7lbs-5lbs
Pine Nuts: 0.97lbs
Hickory Nuts: 1.07lbs
Pecans: 1.5lbs
Acorns: 1.7lbs
Beechnuts: 2.2lbs
Wild Garlic Bulbs/Green Tops: 2.27lbs/6.82lbs
Chestnuts: 2.7lbs
Oyster Mushroom (Pleurotus ostreatus): 2.7lbs
Dandelion greens: 4.55lbs
Lotus seeds/tubers: 3.4lbs/4.55lbs
Lamb's Quarters: 4.55lbs
Dock: 6.8lbs
Cattail shoots/tuber/pollen: 13.6lbs/1.02lbs/0.39lbs
Blackberries: 13.65lbs
Raspberries: 13.65lbs
Prickly Pear Cactus: 13.65lbs
Wild Onion Bulbs/Green Tops: 13.65lbs/6.82lbs
Unspecified Edible Fungi: 2.0lbs-4lbs
Unspecified Edible Wild Greens: 4.55lbs-7lbs
Unspecified Edible Wild Pollens: 0.34lbs-0.4lbs