>>418056I started smoking daily at 15, smoked for half my life and spent a full decade on thirty a day, junior. I know what I'm on about.
The nicotine rush is only there when you first start, it quickly disappears.
And that calming sense of enjoyment and relief you get when you have a smoke? That's because of the nicotine from your last cigarette wearing off, you have another and it tops up your nicotine level and removes the withdrawal pangs. You've convinced yourself that it makes you feel better when in actual fact, non smokers feel that way all the time.
>>418077>delicious tobacco blendsTobacco tastes like shit, you've just learned to associate the taste/smell with your nicotine fix.
>a good smokeThere is honestly no such thing.
>its like Your saying you cant drink a beer because you like the taste and its relaxing alcoholsModerate drinking doesn't fuck your health and getting drunk feels good.
Smoking tobacco rapes your health and has no positive effects. You think it feels good because it feeds your addiction. That's it.
>you should try a cigarette sometime365 days a year for ten years on a pack and a half a day is about 109,500 in the last decade alone. Thank fuck I stopped.
>>418145>But not pipes or cigars.Yes pipes and cigars too. You don't find non smokers burning tobacco like incense because it smells good.
>>418182>I absolutely hate them. I just want to get down to where I can smoke a pipe maybe 3 times a day.You want to be mildly addicted rather than heavily addicted to nicotine? Why?
If you want to quit then google yourself a pdf of "Allen Carr's Easy Way to Stop Smoking" That's the method I used and it was fucking easy.
Keep smoking as you normally do and read the book. Trust me.
>>418210 is a fucking idiot. Ignore him.
>>418234>Non-smoker detected.I used to think like that. It really is easy once you stop lying to yourself and see your smoking for what it is, nicotine addiction, Try the book.