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Irrational /out/ fears

No.423345 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Pic very related.

The thought of being abducted by aliens when i'm innawoods & alone terrifies me. I also find it equally terrifying if I was to be abducted and whoever I was with didn't wake up while it was happening. Completely irrational I know....or is it? If you watch the skies long enough you see some odd shit.

Other /out/ fears include:

>Hearing someone creeping about outside my tent, knowing I am miles from anyone
>Eldritch creatures man is not meant to know wot of appearing in the night
>Being followed when I am alone
>If i'm camped on a site, being run over while I am inside my tent (not so irrational)

Of course I have the run of the mill fears of getting lost and/or hurt while alone but then if you don't have that fear, even on a small level then you probably shouldn't be going /out/ in the first place.