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No.444341 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Hello many of you may know me from my many releases on this site well I have come to this great realisation.

If you are a young man between the ages of 12-17 i have a message to you


Once you get older you will NOT be able to tap that lushes teenage booty and you will regret it for you whole life. Most of you are most likely thikning naww that wont work they'll just laugh..... NOOOOOOOOOO they are all horny as fuck and you must listen to me. TAP THAT ASS. Use your skills to make friends with the girl then ask her if she wants to fuck. Making friends is fucking easy go google it if your an anti-social outcast. YOU MUST TAP THAT ASS im serious just ask every girl that you look twice at if they wanna fuck but be warned. They may tell there friends and they will laugh at you maybe but you will be drowning in teenage pussy and then who will be laughing??? TAP THAT ASS.