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Good places to start a farm in MO, AR, or TN?

No.452768 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
So I'm thinking of moving to South Western Missouri, Tennessee, or North Western Arkansas. I'm open to other places in the south as well but those are the places I've narrowed down as being easy to build a house on/cheap.

Can anyone tell me why their area is a good place to move to?

I want to buy 3-15 acres, and start a farm within a 1 hour commute radius of a city of 50k+ people. I'm from CA so I'm depressed about weed being so illegal. And tornadoes and floods scare the shit out of me. I know I'm probably overreacting but I feel like my house is going to float away and get sucked up by an F5. I don't feel that way about earthquakes so I'll probably get over it.

I like guns and I can't wait to buy clips which actually have more than 10 rounds in them.

I need Internet, I can't move somewhere with less than mid tier DSL speeds. Fuck satellite Internet.

Places near great hunting, fishing, or state parks would be awesome.