[72 / 45 / ?]
Where does /out/ live?
pic related
Albert County, New-Brunswick
home of the world's highest Tides on the banks of the Bay of Fundy
Birthplace of William Henry Steeves; Father of Canadian Confederation, The Bacchus Motorcycle gang, and Kerosene.
nothing but rolling hills,whales, lobster, moose and wilderness for hundreds of kilometres.
only problem is a crippling weak economy and zero jobs. but hey... we get by, by.
pic related
Albert County, New-Brunswick
home of the world's highest Tides on the banks of the Bay of Fundy
Birthplace of William Henry Steeves; Father of Canadian Confederation, The Bacchus Motorcycle gang, and Kerosene.
nothing but rolling hills,whales, lobster, moose and wilderness for hundreds of kilometres.
only problem is a crippling weak economy and zero jobs. but hey... we get by, by.