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No.457772 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Allright, /out/, I'm kind of new to all this outdoors stuff. I mean, I've been camping before, even went on a 5 day innawoods fishing survival trip, but I'm no expert on the activity.

Now, one of my friends wants to go camping next week. Thing is, it's going to be about 5 degrees Fahrenheit outside at night. I'm having concerns about hypothermia and frostbite. He says it shouldn't be a problem and that only people who go on mountaineering trip get those. Crux of the matter is that, since it's our first time doing overnight in winter, we should keep close to the car in case something goes wrong. I'm thinking 5 to 10 minutes walk, maximum. He has no problem with half an hour's walk.

Am I being unreasonable? Even if we are well equipped and dressed, is hypothermia and frostbite an issue?

Also, motherfucker wants to build a teepee and make a fire inside, or maybe an "igloo" with a small fire inside. I'm having concerns about him being able to build that type of shelter without suffocating. I think we'd be best with a semi open shelter with a small fire outside and a reflector to help with the heat. Any thoughts on this?

Pic related, the type of "igloo" he'd like to make.