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Patch thread pt. 2

!!uvB2fIFMgh+ No.466448 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
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Minor update: paid the small fee to have the art production mocked up. They'll send it across in 3-5 days. If I'm satisfied with that, I'll pay the outstanding cost and they'll go into full production. Which should take 10-15 days. So i will potentially have patches in my hands within 20 days ready to be shipped.

Now all we need to discuss is payment options people are happy with.

>Anons directly pay me, I package and send the patches
+Easiest method.
+Most people probably already have an account.
-Trust involved. Some people might not be happy sending payment to a stranger.
-Some people might not have an account.

There's Amazon Marketplace but it costs £25/month for the privilege and fuck that. Alternatively, we could explore the option of passing this off to /k/'s Nugget Store. I could send a bulk package to them to be sold through their website but dunno if we really want to lose control of our patch in such a way. Plus they might be a bit more expensive if they want to make a small profit whereas I will be selling them at cost.

Any other suggestions?