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Hunting weapons

No.468486 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Greetings /out/! /biz/nessman here.

I currently have a thread on /k/ but as this pertains to /out/door activity, I felt it was appropriate to ask you all as well. This thread is because I need help on getting my first set of guns for hunting.

Plan on using them primarily for hunting, and having it for home defense just in case because you know... niggers.

I want to get a rifle, shotgun, and handgun. I figure these 3 will cover basically any firearms needs I may have short of fighting off Jihadists. My budget is pretty flexible, ideally spending around $1,000 tops, but if I was sure I was getting top notch quality I wouldn't be afraid to shell out up to $1500. As they are going to be my first guns I'm really not worried about going all-out since I'm sure if I enjoy hunting/shooting I will buy more.

Last question before getting into it, is it worth it to buy a used gun? I can't be sure the previous owner properly maintained the gun, but if I buy a used gun from a store can I trust they did their due diligence and ensured the quality?