>>478806Something to consider:
For every infantryman whose job it is to go around shooting people, there are something like 12 people working "non-essential" jobs that don't involve shooting people. What would happen to the infantrymen if those "non-essential" people weren't there? They'd fucking die, that's what. Without support personnel, your specialists aren't worth shit.
Doctors are specialists, don't deny it. The other people at hospitals exist so that the specialists can better use their time. If you want a hospital full of only doctors you'll have to pay for it yourself.
Engineers, and scientists are no different. Specialists work better when they have people at their back, willing to help with small jobs and take care of menial work that doesn't take a lot of skill or brain. You want to tell the people at CERN that the PhDs will have to start mopping the floors because you've fired all the janitors?
Not long ago, anyone who was considered to be particularly useful to the business was given an assistant to help them keep track of appointments and work. As a cost saving measure we've basically eliminated that position, but I don't think it's saved any money. Would you avoid buying a rifle for hunting because sticks are cheaper?
Jesus fucking christ, google must be fucking with me. I have to go through about 10 picture captchas and 4 text captchas before it lets me post, and I'm positive I didn't fuck up all 14 of them.