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No.483178 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
hey guys,I was thinking of doing a hiking/fishing trip this year. It's in alberta/bc and the place is called fortress lake. Apparently some of the largest brook trout on the planet there. It's a 26km hike in to the lake and there are going to be 2 rivers to ford along the way. The athabasca and the chaba river. I was going to see if anyone on here in my neck of the woods might be interested in doing it in the first week of June. The idea is to hike in on the monday and hike out on the friday. The main issue is the river crossings. The athabasca has a suspension bridge that is currently down. I'm hoping that we can get in before run off starts and hopefully sling a rope across for the trip back. I'll put some more info if anyone is interested.