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No.487573 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
I need a comrade to join me since my workbuddy can't come.

I will work near Munich soon and have the 11th and 12th of April for a tiny adventure.

My plan is to drive to Ohlstadt, park the car, go into the mountains, get up to Heimgarten, then maybe up to 1750 meters to Herzogstand, enjoy the sun going down, spend the night bivvy-style, see the sun coming up, and walk back. The way itself is about 10km each way with 1200 m difference in height.

The way will provide an epic view into the alps, but technically there will be no climbing or difficulty.

You need a good pair of shoes, warm clothing, a sleeping bag, sleeping mat and a tarp or bivvy bag and some rain protection. I can provide cooking material, food and money (there is a Berghütte on the way, but i'm not sure if it is open yet, if it is, food is on me).

I have a map, am well versed in orienteering and have extensive /out/-experience. The place where we will have our bivvy is near a Schutzhütte, just in case it starts raining.

You can drive with me if you come from Munich (i work near Fürstenfeldbruck and can pick you up Saturday morning) or we can meet in Ohlstadt or somewhere between.

Pic related, it's the view we can expect with some luck (minus the snow and the cold).

Anyone interested? Smaller groups are ok too.