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No.498595 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Up Front: I know this thread is borderline topical, so if it gets pruned I understand. But I am not looking for /k/, /b/ or /pol/ points here. I want to know /out/s thoughts.

Topic: Do you think the more limited range of opportunities for young British (specifically) and European (generally) Muslim men to interact with the outdoors through hiking, backpacking, exploring, hunting and fishing contributes to the appeal of ISIS?

Salient Facts:
* Young British/European Muslim men predominantly live in urban areas, without the financial means to access wilderness and outdoor activities.
* Americans in general tend to have more access to wilderness and less constriction in terms of getting /out/ and releasing hardwired, in-bred traits.

Relevant Fact:
* I live in a crime-ridden US city and work for the municipality. I know a couple of black dudes who bring full blown, gunfire-at-night project kids on backpacking trips that are at no cost to them and funded by a non-profit. These kids have probably never heard a cricket before these trips. The kids they engage with are way, way less likely to engage in any sort of criminal or anti-social activity.

This thought came to me when I was reading this article, which is interesting if not relevant to the conversation.
nytimes slash 2015/04/19/magazine/her-majestys-jihadists.html?mabReward=A7