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No.498764 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Hello /out/

I have an issue with camouflage. I bought a kilt forever ago for hiking and junk and it was only available in desert digital. Now I've started using it for paintball and hunting, so I was wondering if this is a viable colour pallet for the environment.

My shirt is DPCU Auscam and I generally use green and Auscam scrim like a poncho/ shemagh which drapes over part of the kilt and shirt. I figured since the Australian bush around my area generally has dead grass, brown/grey soil and dead shit up to about 750cm off the ground and then suddenly turns green with blotches grey all about that this would be an acceptable pattern. But I'm a little unsure if having two separate cams makes me more distinguishable or not.

So to fix that issue I would have to get a desert digital shirt too (kilt is not interchangeable, expensive as fark). Would this still blend? Would it be better or worse? Does aus cam skrim over desert get the best of both worlds?

If having separate cams works then I'll probably end up getting a flecktarn shirt just because mine isn't long sleeved and it's actually cheaper to import German camo than to buy Aus cam in Australia.