>>501734Because boring people with no good stories to tell came up with lots of bullshit about how they were attacked or hunted by wolves. Occasionally, a wolf pack goes strange, or is starving, or people act like retards around them, and they attack someone. Combine these relatively rare instances with a little conformation bias and wilderness paranoia, poof. Everyone is afraid of wolves.
Intelligent, experienced adults in the wilderness do not fear them, or much else. Efforts are taken on both sides to avoid each other, as should happen between predators. When forced to be in close proximity with wild predators, intelligent, experienced adults act casual, confident, don't make eye-contact, and simultaneously maintain vigilance, respecting them with a good distance.
Just like when you are walking through a bad neighborhood and don't want to get mugged. You keep cool, confident, respectful and go about your business. They will see this, and leave you alone for the most part. Maybe they get curious, follow, but they will lose interest.
If you can walk through a shitty neighborhood of your antithetical skin tone without getting the crap kicked out of you, you can learn to walk through the wilderness without antagonizing the other apex predators.