>>503802Replace sandpaper with horsetail, sandstone, metal file, regular knife for non-water related usage.
Get and plant asparagus because that shit GROWS in salt-infested soil. Plant some varieties of raspberries, blueberries, and wild grapes. Potatoes are a mainstay, but don't ONLY grow them. ROTATE YOUR CROPS. Corn, beans, squash.
Have a metal container with vent holes for keeping embers for lighting fires, will cut down on match/lighter/ferro-rod usage.
Get some goats, sheer those goats, milk them, and feed them. Collect their shit for fertilizer. Breed them and butcher them. Spin that hair into thread and cloth.
Get a distiller setup, use it to prepare clean water, liquor, jams, etc...
Basically, learn how to can foods, you'll have food for lean times, clean water via distilling, clean booze via distilling(use liquor yeast starter to start your booze cultures, keep feeding them to prevent their death), alcohol for sterilization, animals for meat, milk, fertilizer, predator warnings, wool, asparagus and other perennials for low maintenance food sources, plant various foods for self, hunt/fish for fish/salt meat.
Shelter(assuming cave or self-made brick hovel/cabin)
Water(rain water cistern(maintain it properly), distilling for removal of bacteria, salt, chemicals, glass bottles for uv sterilization via sun)
Waste management(don't eat or drink where you shit/piss)(latrines)
Clothing/thread(via animals/twine from long grasses)
Food(fish,meat(self-raised less likely to have diseases)fruits, vegetables,beans,squash,corn)
Processed Food(canning methods, sterilization, shelf life)
Beats for sugar, that shit grows and processes nicely.
Grow an aspirin tree and a couple herbs for self medication and herb needs.
Grow tree's for wind breaks, shelter, attracting animals, fuel, wood, and food(don't grow only one type)
Best of luck, it'll take a couple years for it all to become established.